Tfstacks init - failed to start Terraform plugin

New issue.
First time running tfstacks command.
I expect an error related to my code.
What I’m getting is an error related to my terraform installation.

$ sw_vers
ProductName:            macOS
ProductVersion:         14.6.1
BuildVersion:           23G93

$ terraform version
Terraform v1.9.8
on darwin_arm64

$ tfstacks --version

$ tfstacks init
│ Error: Failed to start Terraform plugin
│ Unrecognized remote plugin message:
│ Failed to read any lines from plugin's stdout
│ This usually means
│   the plugin was not compiled for this architecture,
│   the plugin is missing dynamic-link libraries necessary to run,
│   the plugin is not executable by this process due to file permissions, or
│   the plugin failed to negotiate the initial go-plugin protocol handshake
│ Additional notes about plugin:
│   Path: /opt/homebrew/bin/terraform
│   Mode: -r-xr-xr-x
│   Owner: 501 [jaystockhausen] (current: 501 [jaystockhausen])
│   Group: 80 [admin] (current: 20 [staff])
│   MachO architecture: CpuArm64 (current architecture: arm64)

Relevant links:

I realize tfstacks is still in BETA, but appreciate any suggestions for getting this to work on macOS ARM64.

You probably facing the same problem like me when I upgraded Terraform via brew.

Stacks is experimental and only available in alpha releases of the terraform binaries, so an alpha binary of tf will be required for tfstacks usage. You can find the latest alpha here:

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That was it. Thank you!