New issue.
First time running tfstacks
I expect an error related to my code.
What I’m getting is an error related to my terraform
$ sw_vers
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 14.6.1
BuildVersion: 23G93
$ terraform version
Terraform v1.9.8
on darwin_arm64
$ tfstacks --version
$ tfstacks init
│ Error: Failed to start Terraform plugin
│ Unrecognized remote plugin message:
│ Failed to read any lines from plugin's stdout
│ This usually means
│ the plugin was not compiled for this architecture,
│ the plugin is missing dynamic-link libraries necessary to run,
│ the plugin is not executable by this process due to file permissions, or
│ the plugin failed to negotiate the initial go-plugin protocol handshake
│ Additional notes about plugin:
│ Path: /opt/homebrew/bin/terraform
│ Mode: -r-xr-xr-x
│ Owner: 501 [jaystockhausen] (current: 501 [jaystockhausen])
│ Group: 80 [admin] (current: 20 [staff])
│ MachO architecture: CpuArm64 (current architecture: arm64)
Relevant links:
I realize tfstacks
is still in BETA, but appreciate any suggestions for getting this to work on macOS ARM64.