Trying to understand the boundaries envisioned for Waypoint

@aviflax sorry that your original question languished a bit without a response. You pretty much answered it that many of the deficiencies in deletion, etc are because it’s so early and Waypoint still has many areas of incompleteness. We do want to be clear what things are created and which things are deleted with Waypoint.

With respect to boundaries, I believe you can expect some overlap in basic provisioning capability related to app deployments with Terraform to continue as we do want simple getting started use cases to work without having to introduce users to separate required tools like Terraform.

Beyond basic use cases, I would expect Terraform and other infrastructure provisioning tools to be very complementary with Waypoint as I described in this post about comparing Waypoint and Terraform.

@nickatsegment by default waypoint-entrypoint does require the ability to make an outbound network connection to the Waypoint Server and wherever the Waypoint URL Service is hosted (currently on HashiCorp Cloud). Yet you can self-host both the Waypoint Server and Horizon (powers the Waypoint URL Service) on your own private infrastructure and private network, which means your app does not need to have outbound internet connectivity or a load balancer to enable the Waypoint Entrypoint. You may need an LB for your production app traffic, but that’s probably not a Waypoint-specific requirement.