Vault is sealed and unable to unseal it

Hi All,

I have installed Vault in CentOS/RHEL machine, after not using it for some days, vault has been sealed and I don’t have the keys to unseal it

I have tried using the below commands but there isn’t any use

vault operator init
Error initializing: Error making API request.

Code: 400. Errors:

  • Vault is already initialized

vault token lookup
Error looking up token: Error making API request.

Code: 503. Errors:

  • Vault is sealed

Hi there,

Unfortunately, there is no other way to unseal vault other than using the unseal keys…
So in that case if you can’t find your keys, you need to setup vault again

For uninstalling do we have any command?
I have tried deleting the /data folder and re-install still getting the error as “Vault is already initialized”.

Uninstalling vault and removing the data directory should be enough for then reinstalling it as an empty vault again

Can you send your vault.hcl config file?