Vault operator. Failed to read Vault secret: empty response from Vault

Hello, I am trying to use the Vault Secrets Operator with my Openshift cluster.

I seem to have managed to make the connection and auth work, but StaticSecret is not working, it is giving me this error: (I edited the real name/path of my secret with “gotest”)

Failed to read Vault secret: empty response from Vault, path="/v1/gotest/data/secrettest"

I called that endpoint with Curl, and verified that the secret does in fact exist by getting a response with the secret in it.

This is the declaration for the StaticSecret:

    create: true
    name: secret2112
    overwrite: true
    type: kv-v2
  hmacSecretData: true
  mount: /v1/gotest
  path: secrettest
  refreshAfter: 600s
  type: kv-v2
  vaultAuthRef: vaultauth-sample

For VaultAuth:

    role: gotest-role
    serviceAccount: gotest-serviceaccount
    tokenExpirationSeconds: 600
  method: kubernetes
  mount: kubernetes
  vaultConnectionRef: vaultconnection-sample

It gives me the folloing message in Events Successfully handled VaultAuth resource request

And vaultConnection:

  address: ''
  skipTLSVerify: false

Which gets me VaultConnection accepted in the Events tab

I edited my CR to be more similar to Hashicorp’s tutorial: github link, and making sure it all corresponds to my case.

I still get a pretty similar error, where it says that the secret response is empty.

Failed to read Vault secret: empty response from Vault, path="gotest/data/secrettest"

    create: true
    name: secret2112
    overwrite: true
  hmacSecretData: true
  mount: gotest
  path: secrettest
  refreshAfter: 600s
  type: kv-v2
  vaultAuthRef: vaultauth-sample
  version: 2

I can inject secrets using a sidecar, so I know the serviceaccount and integration with openshift works from that side