Vault operator migrate issue

Hello, I am having a problem with the vault operator when doing a migration, I am trying to migrate the backend of the vault, from an old etcd to a new etcd in another cluster, the vault logs show how all are copied the keys and throws the message that all the keys have been copied successfully, however in my new cluster I do not receive the information.

For the migration I initialize the new etcd cluster and the vault one (without initializing the server and without doing the unseal).

This is my migrate.hcl file:

storage_source “etcd” {
address = “https://xxxx

storage_destination “etcd” {
address = “https://xxxx

There is very little information here about what might have gone wrong, but it does sound like you might have had Vault running whilst executing vault operator migrate. There should be no running Vault processes accessing either the source or target etcd whilst the migration is happening.