Waypoint issue with ALB subnets

I am following the instructions at Deploy an Application to AWS Elastic Container Service | Waypoint - HashiCorp Learn and Provision an EKS Cluster (AWS) | Terraform - HashiCorp Learn to setup a test waypoint application.

The EKS cluster is setup, the image is built and pushed to the waypoint-example repository. But deployment fails with the following error:

» Deploying example-nodejs...
❌ Initializing deployment...
❌ Describing subnets
! failed to create deployment resources: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed
  discovering service subnets: rpc error: code = Internal desc = no subnets found

If I try waypoint up -vvv I get

2021-10-23T15:48:00.780-0400 [TRACE] waypoint: no API client provided, initializing connection if possible
2021-10-23T15:48:00.780-0400 [TRACE] waypoint.server: WithLocal set, server credentials optional
2021-10-23T15:48:00.780-0400 [INFO]  waypoint.server: attempting to source credentials and connect
2021-10-23T15:48:00.780-0400 [DEBUG] waypoint.serverclient: connection information: address=a9cf926bbaa824cf4a078f4605292c51-868843594.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com:9701 tls=true tls_skip_verify=true send_auth=true has_token=true
2021-10-23T15:48:05.778-0400 [ERROR] waypoint: failed to create client: error="context deadline exceeded"
! failed to create client: context deadline exceeded
2021-10-23T15:48:05.778-0400 [TRACE] waypoint: stopping signal listeners and cancelling the context

If I look for that ALB in the AWS console, I see that it a) exists, and b) has 3 subnets, all in the expected region (us-east-1).

Not sure what the problem is here, and can’t find any relevant info in this forum or GH issues to assist.

Thanks in advance


Also worth noting that the “context deadline exceeded” error only appears to occur with the -vvv flag, and does not happen all the time. Sometimes I just get the same error as without the -vvv flag:

» Deploying example-nodejs...
❌ Initializing deployment...
❌ Describing subnets
! failed to create deployment resources: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed
  discovering alb subnets: rpc error: code = Internal desc = no subnets found
2021-10-23T15:52:24.341-0400 [TRACE] waypoint: stopping signal listeners and cancelling the context
2021-10-23T15:52:24.342-0400 [WARN]  waypoint: context cancelled, stopping interrupt listener loop

Hi lukeasrodgers,

Thanks for reporting the problem! Waypoint can either use subnets that you specify with the subnets parameter (docs here), or it attempts to discover the default subnets for the vpc.

Assuming you’re not using the subnets param, is there any chance you don’t have any default subnets in your VPC? You can check by running aws --region=<your-region> ec2 describe-subnets --filters "Name=default-for-az,Values=true", or by looking in the console.

Thanks @izaaklauer that was the issue - my VPC did not have default subnets. Specifying a list of subnet ids worked.

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Glad to hear it! That error wasn’t super descriptive - I’ve opened a PR to improve it: Better error message if no subnets are found. by izaaklauer · Pull Request #2648 · hashicorp/waypoint · GitHub

Thank you!