I am exploring the features of nomad / consul and have a few questions:
What is Consul Connect? Under the network block page, it is stated that ‘bridge mode’ is a pre-requisite for “Consul Connect”. Is this another name for HashiCorp Consul? Or is it some bridge/adaptor for Consul?
Since “bridge mode” is only supported on Linux, and is a pre-requisite for “Consul Connect”, does that mean that “Consul Connect” integration with Nomad is unavailable on Windows? I’ve read that Consul + Nomad works on Windows. Does setting consul in the service block just work on host mode?
What specific feature(s) of HashiCorp Consul for Nomad don’t work on Windows? If “bridge mode” is a pre-requisite, and Consul as a service mesh works in “host mode”, then which features(s) is “bridge mode” a pre-requisite to? What do I lose running Nomad + Consul on Windows vs Linux?