When using UI clients logs show: error="rpc error: Permission denied" rpc=ACL.GetPolicies

The related clients show these errors when monitoring clients or jobs through UI. We are trying to understand where they come from.

nomad[1728258]:     2023-03-07T22:55:19.473Z [ERROR] client.rpc: error performing RPC to server: error="rpc error: Permission denied" rpc=ACL.GetPolicies server=
nomad[1728258]:     2023-03-07T22:55:19.473Z [ERROR] client.rpc: error performing RPC to server which is not safe to automatically retry: error="rpc error: Permission denied" rpc=ACL.GetPolicies server=
nomad[1728258]:     2023-03-07T22:55:19.473Z [WARN]  client: failed to resolve policies, using expired cached value: error="rpc error: Permission denied"

Here is more information regarding the agent we run:

nomad[1728258]: ==> Loaded configuration from /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl
nomad[1728258]: ==> Starting Nomad agent...
nomad[1728258]: 2023-03-07T22:54:43.582Z [TRACE] plugin.stdio: waiting for stdio data
nomad[1728258]: ==> Nomad agent configuration:
nomad[1728258]:        Advertise Addrs: HTTP:
nomad[1728258]:             Bind Addrs: HTTP: []
nomad[1728258]:                 Client: true
nomad[1728258]:              Log Level: INFO
nomad[1728258]:                 Region: global (DC: garage42)
nomad[1728258]:                 Server: false
nomad[1728258]:                Version: 1.5.0
nomad[1728258]: ==> Nomad agent started! Log data will stream in below:

Ok, so I was able to reproduce it by running the following:

curl ip:4646/v1/client/allocation/c29c50ff-af77-ed38-fca8-1db79ecc47a4/stats

But not by running the following:

curl -s -H "X-Nomad-Token: TOKEN" ip:4646/v1/client/allocation/c29c50ff-af77-ed38-fca8-1db79ecc47a4/stats

So then, I added the token to the UI, and the error disappeared. I guess I never realized UI worked even without the token.

It looks like a permission issue in the Nomad agent, causing errors in RPC calls to the server. Check the ACL policies and ensure proper permissions for monitoring clients/jobs. The agent’s configuration DIY Garage Door seems fine, but there might be a misconfiguration in ACL or a server permission issue. Reviewing and updating the ACL policies should help resolve this.

It seems like there’s a permission issue with Nomad RPC when monitoring clients or jobs through the UI. The errors indicate “rpc error: Permission denied.” Have you checked Garage Stops ACL policies on the server at It might be worth reviewing and adjusting the permissions in your Nomad configuration to resolve these access problems. :hammer_and_wrench::mag:

It seems like there’s a permission issue with Nomad, causing errors in RPC communication with the server. Check the ACL policies on the server at Ensure that the Nomad Troubleshoot agent at has the necessary permissions. Review the Nomad agent configuration to confirm the settings match your requirements.