Hi, I have setup boundary on AWS. However, when I try to create Boundary resources (boundary-reference-architecture/deployment/aws/boundary at main · hashicorp/boundary-reference-architecture · GitHub) with the codes here in the Github example, it shows me the errors below.
Error: error calling create role: {"status":500, "code":"Internal", "details":{"error_id":"Bcqrew3GZP"}}
Error: error creating scope: {"status":500, "code":"Internal", "details":{"error_id":"s8H7SQ78il"}}
To debug the issue, I ran sudo systemctl status boundary-controller
in the controller machine, resulting in the messages below.
● boundary-controller.service - boundary controller
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/boundary-controller.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-02-26 08:09:59 UTC; 6h ago
Main PID: 1993 (boundary)
Tasks: 8 (limit: 1110)
CGroup: /system.slice/boundary-controller.service
└─1993 /usr/local/bin/boundary server -config /etc/boundary-controller.hcl
Feb 26 14:12:53 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:53.279Z [WARN] controller: recovery KMS was used to authorize a call: url=/v1/scopes method=POST
Feb 26 14:12:53 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:53.313Z [ERROR] controller: internal error returned: error id=cufwDpcAeR error="unable to create scope: create scope: unable to
Feb 26 14:12:54 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:54.813Z [WARN] controller: recovery KMS was used to authorize a call: url=/v1/roles method=POST
Feb 26 14:12:54 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:54.849Z [ERROR] controller: internal error returned: error id=TRRsgBUQgd error="unable to create role: create role: unable to ge
Feb 26 14:12:54 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:54.935Z [WARN] controller: recovery KMS was used to authorize a call: url=/v1/scopes method=POST
Feb 26 14:12:54 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:54.964Z [ERROR] controller: internal error returned: error id=QOyqU0qZ26 error="unable to create scope: create scope: unable to
Feb 26 14:12:57 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:57.274Z [WARN] controller: recovery KMS was used to authorize a call: url=/v1/roles method=POST
Feb 26 14:12:57 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:57.307Z [ERROR] controller: internal error returned: error id=Bcqrew3GZP error="unable to create role: create role: unable to ge
Feb 26 14:12:57 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:57.347Z [WARN] controller: recovery KMS was used to authorize a call: url=/v1/scopes method=POST
Feb 26 14:12:57 ip-10-0-49-70 boundary[1993]: 2021-02-26T14:12:57.370Z [ERROR] controller: internal error returned: error id=s8H7SQ78il error="unable to create scope: create scope: unable to
I have 2 questions. The messages are truncated, and how can I see the full messages? Second, how should I debug the errors such as [ERROR] controller: internal error returned: error id=cufwDpcAeR error="unable to create scope
Any help would be very greatful!