Deploy Waypoint to Google Cloud Run tutorial fails with could not find default credentials

I’ve just followed

and got could not find default credentials error.
/app/waypoint-examples/google-cloud-run/nodejs on main! 4:05:59
$ waypoint init           
✓ Configuration file appears valid
✓ Local mode initialized successfully
✓ Project "example-nodejs" and all apps are registered with the server.
✓ Plugins loaded and configured successfully
⚠️ "example-nodejs" has plugins that require authentication:
! Error constructing api client: rpc error: code = Aborted desc = google: could not find default credentials. See for more
- Platform "google-cloud-run"
❌ Failed to check authentication requirements!

! This step verifies that Waypoint has access to the configured systems.
  This is a best-effort check, since not all plugins support this check
  and the check can often only check that any known credentials work at
  a minimal level.
  There was an error during this step and it is shown below.

! The plugins above reported that they aren't authenticated.
! Project had errors during initialization.
  Waypoint experienced some errors during project initialization. The output
  above should contain the failure messages. Please correct these errors and
  run 'waypoint init' again.

I think my gcloud command has been authenticated correctly.

$ gcloud run services list --platform managed
Listed 0 items.

Someone else had a similar issue, but said they resolved it. See if this post helps.

I confirmed that I had the same issue with the tutorial.

Once I completed the command gcloud auth application-default login then I was able to run waypoint init fine.

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