HUG Speaker Content and Labs

This is a space for HUGs and other community members to share their speaker slides, labs, and any other resources.

If you are posting your slide deck here, it is understood that you encourage others to repeat your content.

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HashiCorp HUGs: Applying the Cloud Operating Model
Created July 2019

This content was specially curated for HUG organizers and briefly touches on each product and how they tie together.

View the content here.


Here’s an interactive workshop we put together to show how you can use Terraform on Azure to provision different kinds of services - the end result will be a web server showing a random value running on either Azure App Service, Azure Container Instance or in Kubernetes on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service).

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Here’s the content for a 2-hour introduction to Terraform workshop! We had a lot of beginners who never used Terraform and they found it very useful. We used the Kubernetes provider as an example since not all of them could sign up for a cloud provider.

@mishra and I also did a hands-on with Vault on Kubernetes workshop. While there is now an officially supported Helm chart, this repository has some patterns and automation around Vault policies and consul-template to pull dynamic secrets. Slides are linked in the README.


What a great idea!

Consul Service Mesh
Here is a comprehensive deck, which serves as a mid-level overview of service mesh and the problems it is supposed to address.

Use what makes sense for your HUG meeting or audience, and if you have questions, let us know by replying to this thread!


Here is the presentation for a session I had with some open source practitioners using older versions of Terraform. Covers some general infrastructure upgrade approaches, maps them to Terraform, and provides a high-level view of what changes happened between versions of Terraform.

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Here is a presentation for a session I gave on Consul History covering the some of the technical decisions we made - mostly focusing on Gossip Protocols though.( SWIM, memberlist, serf)
There’s also this presentation that covers Consensus (Paxos & Raft)


Here’s a hallway track talk I did last year for HashiConf on Managing GitHub resources with Terraform!

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Hi, here’s a couple of articles I wrote covering tha basics of Vault and using it in a Spring Boot applicacion. Hope you find it useful:


Here’s the demo code and slides for my Aug 27, 2019 Toronto HUG talk about OpenFaaS on Nomad, Consul and Vault:

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Cross posting another thread here: Hallway Track at HashiConf 2019

The speakers from the Hallway Track have kindly posted their talk slides there!

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Here’s the presentations from our HUG Meetup conducted in Chennai on September 28, 2019:

  1. Golden AMI Pipelines using Packer and Jenkins
  2. Testing Terraform modules with Kitchen and Inspec

Hi all! Here you can find a small movie of our latest HUG meetup:

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Here’s the official github id for HUG Chennai Chapter. We’re updating the hands-on materials from the talks here regularly for the community:

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Here are the slides for the my NYC HUG talk on “Storing Vault secrets in source control safely using Terraform and KMS”

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Here is the GitHub repo I mentioned last week during my NYC HUG talk, “Automated Deployment Across Multiple AWS Accounts”:

Questions and feedback are welcome.

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Here’s the presentations from our HUG Meetup conducted in Chennai on October 19, 2019:

  1. Introduction to Vault
  2. Why Vault?
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Here the talks we had at our recent HUG.

Death to ClickOps - IaC with Terraform and Packer -

Kick Start Your Projects with IaC -

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Hello everyone :slight_smile: I made this talk based on HashiCorp Developer Advocate, Xander Grzywinski’s blog post on Continuous Integration for Terraform Modules with GitHub Actions.

It is a lightning talk that should take 10-15 minutes to present. Let me know if you use it! I would love to know how it works out in action.

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