Kv get returns error "The system cannot find the path specified."

Hello - we have a Vault standalone installation which was working fine on v1.15.4. I upgraded it today to v1.18.2 and I’m unable to retrieve one specific kv pair, out of the many that are configured and working fine. I have a structure like so:


I can retrieve everything except for uat. When I try to get the uat secret I get the following (this is edited to remove the specifics of our installation names):

Error making API request. Code: 500. Errors: The system cannot find the path specified.

For the uat secret only, nothing works. I cannot get, patch, put, metadata - nothing. Its almost as if that one specific secret has somehow become corrupted.

If I rollback to v1.15.4 of the Vault executable, everything works fine. I can access and get all of the secrets, including uat, using the exact same commands.

I’m still learning Vault but I’m at a loss. All I see in the Vault logs / audit logs is the same 500 error with nothing additional. Any ideas as to what might have happened here?


Just a quick follow up - I tried two additional tests. Firstly, I tried a smaller upgrade, to v.1.16.3. This made no difference, I was still unable to access the uat secret.

Second, I made another secret, with the exact same contents as uat but in a different location under /secret/data. I was able to access this fine, on both versions, so this issue is somehow isolated to just that one secret. I can see no information in the log to indicate why (or how) it became inaccessible. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?

One final update. After the Code 500 Errors, there is an additional message basically saying that the path /Vault/data/ was not found. Turns out that the path printed is truncated at 260 characters, which happens to be the maximum length of a path under Windows. When I take that path and navigate through it on the actual filesystem, its actually longer - around 270 characters including the drive letter.

So I’ve gone and moved our Vault instance to Linux which doesn’t have this constraint.

The main question remains however - if this path was too long, why did it work on v1.15.4? The uat secret was initially created in this version - does Vault somehow cache the secrets created while its running so that it can retrieve them quickly and not have to navigate to the underlying path?