New User on Windows attempting to run example.nomad

Hi, I am following the Nomad tutorial on my Windows 10 laptop. Encountering issue running the example job. “Missing drivers” looks bad.
I do have docker desktop installed and it is working. No issues running containers on it. I did shutdown nomad agent and and restart docker desktop and then started the agent again. Did not help.
Tutorial page I am on:

Any advice?

PS C:\work\containerization\nomad> nomad job run .\example.nomad
==> Monitoring evaluation “f3dc3a0d”
Evaluation triggered by job “example”
Evaluation within deployment: “5a24e750”
Evaluation status changed: “pending” -> “complete”
==> Evaluation “f3dc3a0d” finished with status “complete” but failed to place all allocations:
Task Group “cache” (failed to place 1 allocation):
* Constraint “missing drivers”: 1 nodes excluded by filter
Evaluation “a3fbd5a5” waiting for additional capacity to place remainder

PS C:\work\containerization\nomad> nomad status example
ID = example
Name = example
Submit Date = 2020-06-26T09:33:52-04:00
Type = service
Priority = 50
Datacenters = dc1
Namespace = default
Status = pending
Periodic = false
Parameterized = false

Task Group Queued Starting Running Failed Complete Lost
cache 1 0 0 0 0 0

Placement Failure
Task Group “cache”:

  • Constraint “missing drivers”: 1 nodes excluded by filter

Latest Deployment
ID = 5a24e750
Status = running
Description = Deployment is running

Task Group Desired Placed Healthy Unhealthy Progress Deadline
cache 1 0 0 0 N/A

No allocations placed

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Having the same issue on Windows :slight_smile:

Is this not supported? I was hoping to be able to try out Nomad but I am running Windows, and I ran into the same issue.

@mwhitman does the user you’re running Nomad as have access to the Docker socket? You should be able to check the Nomad logs for the “fingerprinting” of Docker and see if there’s an error there.

Hi @mwhitman, @rmoreas and @fletchowns

If you’re using Docker desktop - make sure it’s set to run Windows containers:
Right-click on the docker icon -> Switch to Windows Containers…
Hope it helps,

Liron Patau

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Thanks @lironpatau. So Nomad does not support running Linux containers on Windows host machine? I figured it would since I’m able to with Docker Desktop on Windows, but looking at the documentation it seems that it only supports running Windows containers on Windows hosts:

Indeed there is also an open ticket to support Linux containers on Windows:

Seems like it’s close…but not quite there. What a bummer!

Hi @fletchowns,

See if changing the experimental value to true in the configuration file helps.