Postrender equivalent in nomad-pack?

Hi all,

I’ve been a happy user of Nomad for a few years now in my personal projects. I have tended to home-roll my Nomad job templates, though I’ve watched nomad-pack with some interest.

For work, I had to run a postrender script for the first time on a helm chart I was working with. While I did not find the experience particularly fun, it called out to me a question that I couldn’t find a clean answer to in the Nomad pack docs and guides; how would I do something similar with a Nomad pack?

The one that jumps most immediately to mind is the Nextcloud pack. I ended up crafting my own job template because the pack did not have any hooks for adding Redis configurations, which Nextcloud benefits greatly from with regards to lookup caching.

Given that the intent behind the helm postrender hook is to allow consumers of helm charts to make customizations (or “kustomize”-ations, to use the parlance) without having to fork or contribute back to the source repo, what path do we Nomad users have to do this with packs?

I see the render command… Would I use this to render the pack job-spec, and then just run a script to inject new pieces to it?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @dehuszar,

a happy user of Nomad for a few years now

That is good to hear and glad it has been working out well for you.

Would I use this to render the pack job-spec, and then just run a script to inject new pieces to it?

Unfortunately in its current state, yes this would be the option unless changes are upstreamed to the pack itself to include conditional logic to add the functionality you are looking for. That being said, we are currently roadmapping the next set of nomad-pack work and are very interested in what the community is looking for. If you could open a feature request that would be really useful and gain additional visibility from engineers and community members.

jrasell and the Nomad team