Terraform module for installing Boundary in AWS

Hello community,

If anyone is searching for a Terraform module designed to install Boundary as a HA service in AWS, you can find one here: https://github.com/jasonwalsh/terraform-aws-boundary

The topology closely resembles the architecture diagram available at the Boundary website.

I would greatly welcome any suggestions or feedback.


I was able to follow the instructions and deploy the infrastructure:

“terraform apply -target module.aws -var boundary_bin=”

After the infra was create I validated the controllers had the boundary service running. However the admin console was not coming up in the browser ( alb dns )

Should the admin console show up at this point or after configuring boundary ?

I proceeded to Configure Boundary

“terraform apply” (without the target flag) and got the error below: ( screenshot attached )

Error: error reading wrappers from “recovery_kms_hcl”: Error configuring kms: error fetching AWS KMS wrapping key information: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors

Additional info:
go version go1.15.3 linux/amd64
Terraform v0.13.5

Hey @ac0093, I believe this is a different module. The output of the ls command shows files that exist in this repository.

I cloned the repo, set the required variables, and tried to run the plan…

Am I missing something?

That error is actually coming from the autoscaling TF module that this code calls; it looks like this module passes var.auto_scaling_group_name as the name input to the autoscaling module, which in turn (after rolling it up through some test functions) is using it as the autoscaling launch template name prefix. My guess is you set auto_scaling_group_name to something that has invalid characters in it – what’s it set to?