I can bypass the above problem, by bringing the actual lb dns from AWS, and giving it to boundary provider. I tried to create boundary resource with the .tf file below, but I keep getting Error: {"status":404, "code":"NotFound", "message":"Resource not found."}.
When I hit the LB DNS:9200, I get this result. From the page, it seems that Boundary is properly set, but the provider seems not to work. Is there anything I’m doing wrong? Thanks.
Once you deploy AWS, you can run an apply on the boundary module and that will provision the auth methods that are not found in that second issue you raised.
Given you have the LB deployed, I would just run terraform apply one more time and that will get Boundary setup with the configuration you need to login with the password auth method.
Also , my second question was that although all AWS resources were properly installed (which I have shown you the UI properly working), creating resource.boundary_scope.org fails.
I have this main.tf file as below, and hitting the LB address which I wiped out, gives the Boundary UI from my first question (meaning that Boundary is properly set, I suppose?). However, when trying to create any boundary resources with terraform, I get the error of 404 resource not found error. I’m unable to get the idea of which resource terraform is unable to find.
Can I see the complete main.tf that includes the module declaration for boundary and aws?
It’s clear that the AWS part of it was deployed properly because you can get to the LB. It appears the values for that LB are not getting injected into the boundary module declaration and that’s why it can’t find the KMS key or the LB values it’s expecting.
Actually, specifying the output.tf and using the module provided, it worked!
But I’m still curious why the code below doesn’t work and gives 404 error. Is there a sequence I should keep in mind while creating Boundary resources?