Deploying to AWS

Hello, I ran though the Boundary tutorials and everything works fine locally. Now I’d like to deploy to AWS, I see the diagram and basic steps. But there is a lot missing in terms of configuration. Are there some sample terraform files for creating the EC2 instances and configuring those instances? Are we suppose to just ssh into those boxes and install everything manually? Are there any public AMIs posted? Maybe I’m missing something, but the documentation really dropped off when it came to deploying.


Thanks @coguy450 for trying out Boundary. We have a reference architecture with some example TF deployments for AWS here:

Let me know if this helps!

Yes, that’s what I needed, thank you very much!

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Hi, I followed this setup to install Boundary in AWS.

I’m having some issues. Some of them I figured out by myself like this:


  provisioner "file" {
    source      = "${var.boundary_bin}/boundary"
    destination = "/home/ubuntu/boundary"
    # destination = "~/boundary"

I had to put in there the absolute path because the original destination creates file with the name “~” in ubuntu home dir.

Then I had to modify the version of Postgres:


resource "aws_db_instance" "boundary" {
  allocated_storage   = 20
  storage_type        = "gp2"
  engine              = "postgres"
  # engine_version      = "11.8"
  engine_version      = "11.13"

After those modifications, step 4. → “terraform apply -target” finished succesfully.

Then my LB is created, so I replaced DNS in:


variable "url" {
  # default = ""
  # default = ""
  default = "http://my-lb-dns:9200"

When I run step 5 → “terraform apply”, I’m getting this error:

│ Warning: Argument is deprecated
│   with module.boundary.boundary_account.backend_user_acct,
│   on boundary/ line 30, in resource "boundary_account" "backend_user_acct":
│   30:   login_name     = lower(each.key)
│ Will be removed in favor of using attributes parameter
│ (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere)
│ Error: error reading wrappers from "recovery_kms_hcl": Error configuring kms: error fetching AWS KMS wrapping key information: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
│ 	For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
│   with module.boundary.provider[""],
│   on boundary/ line 10, in provider "boundary":
│   10: provider "boundary" {

This error I’m not able to fix.

Could someone help with this, please?


Try adding the KMS key’s region explicitly to the awskms portion of the Boundary provider config in boundary/

Is this ok?

provider "boundary" {
  addr             = var.url
  recovery_kms_hcl = <<EOT
kms "awskms" {
  region     = "eu-central-1" // added region
  purpose    = "recovery"
  key_id     = "global_root"
  kms_key_id = "${var.kms_recovery_key_id}"

Because it’s still not working …

Anyway, from this I understand that kms is just an other way of authentication because I can also authenticate like this:

provider "boundary" {
  addr                            = var.url
  auth_method_id                  = "ampw_1234567890" # changeme
  password_auth_method_login_name = "myuser"          # changeme
  password_auth_method_password   = "passpass"        # changeme

but how? If I don’t have any auth_method created yet as you can see on my screenshot.

Why this .tf scripts don’t create this Boundary setup with predefined admin and password like it is in Boundary dev server?

Thank you

It’s not really the mode Boundary runs in that creates the static IDs for the auth method, admin user, etc. as it is boundary database init – dev mode just spins up a Postgres database in Docker and then runs boundary database init on it, and if you don’t give database init flags to tell it not to, then it pre-creates the org, project, auth method, etc. with the hardcoded _1234567890 IDs by default.

That said, the KMS recovery workflow is intended as the Terraform-friendly workflow rather than depending on the hardcoded scopes and auth methods provided by database init – in fact one of the purposes of the KMS recovery auth option is to resolve exactly that circular dependency you noted.

Since this is running in Terraform, your local AWS credentials make a difference – are they valid in the shell you’re running Terraform in and do they allow you to encrypt and decrypt with that KMS key? (i.e. can you successfully aws kms encrypt with it?)

Thank you for your answer. I’m logged in shell with AWS credentials but I’m not sure what you exactly meant so I’m sending you my experiment:

cat ~/.aws/credentials                                                                                                        <aws:dev>
aws_access_key_id = abc123
aws_secret_access_key = def456

echo "test" | base64

aws kms encrypt --key-id abc123 --plaintext dGVzdAo=                                                            

An error occurred (NotFoundException) when calling the Encrypt operation: Invalid keyId abc123

I don’t understand what --key-id should I use here and also in .tf script where the vaule is global_root.

The --key-id you need for the AWS CLI is the KMS key ID in AWS. It’ll be in a format like 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. You shouldn’t need to manually insert it into the Terraform code, it’s automatically inserted as a variable when terraform apply calls the boundary module. For running the test in the AWS CLI, you’ll do exactly what you did but with that KMS key ID after the --key-id argument.

Also I noticed you’ve got a profile for those credentials, you might need to set the AWS_PROFILE variable in your shell environment to that profile name.

Thank you very much, as you wrote the problem was that I didn’t have this env=AWS_PROFILE in my terminal session. The reason is, I use this way in Terraform:

provider "aws" {
  region  = "eu-central-1"
  profile = "dev"

when you add this profile = "dev/prod" to your .tf script, terraform reads dev/prod section from your ~/.aws/credentials file and then you don’t have to log in with AWS credentials.

However when I logged in to my terminal with AWS credentials, that kms started to work :slight_smile:

But still don’t understand how this key-id gets there in format 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as it is defined as global_root in awskms { ... }.

There’s a bit of confusion here that I think is due to maybe a remnant of some older code in this repo. Some KMS key types require a parameter called key_id as part of the Boundary configuration for them – the aead and ocikms key types. Others have another name for the unique KMS key identifier parameter – the awskms and alicloudkms types call it kms_key_id, the azurekeyvault and transit types use key_name, and gcpckms calls it crypto_key.

In this case the key configuration passes both key_id and kms_key_id, but since the awskms key type only uses the latter, the key_id line is just entirely ignored (it looks like that line might have been copied and pasted from an aead root key config since our example of that key type uses the same value for that parameter). In fact I’ll probably put in a PR shortly to eliminate that line to make it less confusing.

How the AWS KMS key’s GUID actually gets into the Boundary provider config starts with a reference within the Terraform code. In the aws module, the file contains this block:

resource "aws_kms_key" "recovery" {
  description             = "Boundary recovery key"
  deletion_window_in_days = 10

After Terraform creates that AWS KMS key, the state file contains a bunch of attributes about it, one of which is the ID. Try terraform state show and you should see a property named key_id that has a GUID for that key, along with an attribute id with the same GUID. The aws module has an output named kms_recovery_key_id that refers back to that aws_kms_key.recovery resource’s id property.

Over in the boundary module, one of the input variables defined in is kms_recovery_key_id, and the in the top-level directory passes the kms_recovery_key_id output of the aws module as the kms_recovery_key_id input of the boundary module. That module in turn finally uses it as the value of the kms_key_id attribute of the Boundary Terraform provider.

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