HashiTalks: Build speaker slides

This thread is a place for HashiTalks: Build speakers to post the slides that compliment their talks from July 13-14, 2022.

View the schedule here: HashiTalks: Build

[HashiTalks: Build] - How to Test Your Terraform Code slides can be found here:

Slides for building Vagrant plugins: Building Vagrant plugins with Go - Google Slides

Polyglot DevOps: Translating Docker Compose and Kubernetes to Nomad

Slides for “Reducing the Blast Radius in Terraform”

This thread is a place for HashiTalks: Build speakers to post the slides that compliment their talks from August 9-10, 20223

View the schedule here: HashiTalks: Build

My Slides for the Dev talks: IaC Testing - Terraform

Slides for Vault OpenAPI-based Libraries & Workflows:

This thread is a place for HashiTalks: Build speakers to post the slides that compliment their talks from July 24-25, 2024.

View the schedule here: HashiTalks: Build