Waypoint v0.10.1 released

We released Waypoint 0.10.1!



  • core: Update TaskCancel to also cancel WatchTask job, if it was launched. [GH-3893]


  • plugin/nomad-jobspec: Update Nomad jobspec status check to not report partial
    health for deployments with canaries [GH-3883]
  • plugin/nomad: Update Nomad task launcher plugin to respect namespace and region
    configs in runner profile [GH-3883]
  • plugin: Fix panic in non-ECS plugins when destroying resources [GH-3896]
  • runner-install/k8s: Use the service account created by helm in the runner profile, rather than using the default service account. [GH-3894]
  • runner-install/kubernetes: Fix the static runner image used in the waypoint runner install command [GH-3890]

The Waypoint Team

Changelog - waypoint/CHANGELOG.md at release/0.10.x · hashicorp/waypoint · GitHub
Binaries - Waypoint v0.10.1 Binaries | HashiCorp Releases