HashiTalks: Canada Speaker Slides

This thread is a place for HashiTalks: Canada speakers to post the slides that compliment their talks from Thursday 18 November, 2021.

View the schedule here: hashi.co/hashitalks-canada

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Terraforming your OpsLevel to 11 (Will go live after the talk)

Hi Katie,

Here is the deck: HashiTalk-Canada-Nov18-Shlomo-Bielak-Benchmark-Corp-V2.pdf - Google Drive

Hi Katie. attached at my slides.

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Slide deck for “Bringing software development practices to your infrastructure” - Bringing software development practices to your infrastructure

Code demo (also linked in the deck): GitHub - jennapederson/infrastructure-test-examples: Examples for testing your cloud infrastructure

Hey Buds,

Excited for everyone at the event today. Here are my slides.

Terraform and Shipa -
How to Define and Enforce Policy as Code with Terraform and Shipa

PDF in Google Drive:

Apologies for the Firefox-related technical hiccups! Please find my slides at HashiTalks, PR-based Terraform.pdf - Google Drive

Hey, it was great to talk here!
You can find my slides here: Learning Terraform While Building a Reference Repository of Code Examples

And here’s a link to the project I’ve talked about: GitHub - ContainerSolutions/terraform-examples: Simple and idiomatic examples of various Terraform functions and features.

It was awesome to get a chance to give my talk at Hashitalks Canada

You can find my slides here - The Evolution Of Managing Terraform Enterprise Workspaces

Here is the final result of my presentation for “Understanding Nomad Networking Patterns”.

HashiTalks Canada Fall 2021 - Transforming Sensitive Data at API Gateways

Hashitalk Canada Fall 2021 - TFC Project and User on-boarding Orchestration

Here you go: Legacy Services and Service Meshes

Sorry for the delay on this, here’s “Debugging Production Applications in Nomad using Lightrun”.

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Here is the link Github Authentication Managed by Vault

Apologies for the delay.